Calendars: It's a great idea to have children keep a calendar to record when and where they saw the first oak leaf, the first tadpole, the first daily walks and nature hikes! A day won't go by when something isn't primrose, the first ripe blackberries. Then next year they can pull out the calendar and know when to anticipate seeing these things again, and they can note new discoveries. Imagine how this will add enthusiasm for seen to excite them.I really like the idea of using a calendar to keep track of your nature observations for each month. It would be so much fun the next year to look back and see what you had observed each day and compare to the current year's observations. You could also include a small sketch on the calendar if you wish. It could also be motivating if you wanted to observe something in nature each day- as you would have a space to fill for each day. Even if you just recorded the weather or what you see out your window, that would be something for each day. I'd love to hear your ideas.

Blank Nature Study Observations Calendar
I would love to see how you and your family use my calendars, so feel free to leave me links in the comments section or to email me. Enjoy.
What a great idea using calendars! Thank you for this entry in the CM Carnival. I think this will be the boost we need into regular nature study. Thanks SO much. -Joy
A great idea!
I like how you have really simpified this!
When my kids were small, I didn't have time to journal, so I would just jot down two or three sentences on a calendar.
It worked well. I think that you have inspired me to do this with nature observance. Thanks!
We are having so much fun with this, Amanda!
Thank you for sharing the idea and the calendar with us!
I LOVE this idea! I am going to start doing this. My daughter will love filling this in herself & it can go right in her nature notebook!
Hi, again! Just wanted to let you know that we've BEEN following your idea a for Nature Study Calendar since the last CM Carnival. My littles (7, 5, 3-with help)are doing great and enjoying it. This is easier for us to start off with than a journal. -Joy
Hi Amanda! We have been using your blank nature calendars all year, and they are just perfect!
I wanted to print out some more for the rest of the year, but the link is no longer working. Do you have the file stored somewhere else now?
Thank you!
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