"Children have 'Art' in them.––With art, as with so many other
things in a child, we must believe that it is there, or we shall never find it....Therefore we set twig or growing flower before a child and let him deal with it as he chooses. He will find his own way to form and colour, and our help may very well be limited at first to such technical matters as the mixing of colours and the like. In order that we may not impede the child's freedom or hinder the deliverance of the art that is in him, we must be careful not to offer any aids in the way of guiding lines, points, and such other crutches; and, also, he should work in the easiest medium, that is, with paint brush or with charcoal, and not with a black-lead pencil. Boxes of cheap colours are to be avoided. Children are worthy of the best, and some half-dozen tubes of really good colours will last a long time, and will satisfy the eye of the little artists."
---Charlotte Mason- Volume 1 Page 313
For this project you will need:- watercolor paper
- watercolors (We liked these ones the best.)
- watercolor brush
- scissors
- glue or double-sided tape
- salt (optional)
- rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs (optional)
Step 1: You can start by cutting your watercolor paper into different sizes, if you have an idea in mind and know about how much of each color you will need. Or you can watercolor whole or half sheets of paper each a different color so you can have a lot of options when it comes time to make your collage.
Step 2: Watercolor each piece of watercolor paper a different mix of colors (i.e. red and purple or green and blue).
Step 3: You can add texture to your watercolor by sprinkling salt on it while it is still wet or by dripping on rubbing alcohol with a cotton swab. You can also splatter different colored paint on top of a color wash to add texture.

Adding rubbing alcohol makes a bubbly texture.
Adding salt makes another interesting texture.
Step 4: Let your papers dry completely.
Step 5: Cut shapes out of the watercolored papers to create a collage. Try to keep your shapes fairly large so you won't lose them and will be able to glue or tape them down.
If you and your children use this idea, I would love to see photos of your completed projects. It is so much fun to see what you all come up with. Feel free to email me photos or leave me a link in the comments.
***I am also thinking about putting together some watercoloring tutorials this summer, if people are interested. If that is something you would like to know more about, when I decide what exactly I have in mind, feel free to email me and I will put you on a mailing list.
This project was inspired by the look of Eric Carle's book illustrations.
Wonderful project! I will definitely be trying this with my kids. Friday is our Art day, I'll come back and link when we finish.
Thanks for your great ideas.
Lovely, Amanda. This is a wonderful idea for a project. I love Eric Carle's art work.
Great contribution to the carnival as well.
In reading your post I realise that my younger two haven't done any work with Eric Carle's books since they were old enough to appreciate it (they have done it with their older siblings but that doesn't count) You have inspired me!
Live life with your Kids!
I clearly need to do more art education with my 6 year old. As I was reading your post, he asked, "Are those Pablo Picasso paintings?"
Hee hee.
We will definately have to try this! My children love to paint and they have created some lovely watercolors for me, but we didn't know about the salt and rubbing alcohal. This will be so much fun. Thanks for the ideas. Melissa Telling
Amanda, I love this idea! I hope to use it soon with my girls, I'll be sure to let you know.
Also, I would be VERY interested in your watercolor lessons...I have bought some of the "real stuff" (lol) and watercolor paper and we have experimented a little bit...but I am at a loss for how to teach them to use them properly, because I'm clueless myself. :)
Hi Amanda!
I just posted about our watercolor collage project.
What a neat idea. We will have to try this too. :o)
What a beautiful idea for an art project! I think we'll try this next week. I would love to
be on your email list if you decide to do those tutorials - we would really benefit from them.
I've enjoyed reading your blog - I'm linking you in my sidebar. :)
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