Monday, March 31, 2008

Bird Book Suggestions- Spring Kit Links

Here are links to to the bird books suggested on page 2 of the Bird Nature Study instructions in my Spring Kit.

If you cannot see the covers of the books for some reason (we think it might be an issue with Firefox) you can click through to Amazon to see the book covers. We're not sure what is up.


Anonymous said...


I'm on an Apple using Firefox browser and I can't see the links. Would love to see your list if you can fix it. :-)


Lisa W.

PS I have the same problem on your mom's Harmony Arts site when trying to see the resources for each year. I'm pretty sure it's Firefox.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this list. Our library has several drawing books like the ones shown. I will see if they have a bird themed one. What a great idea to help the kids with their nature journaling.